There are several types of planned gifts you or somebody else can make to the the benefit of grieving children. Bequests to Willow Center are easily included in your will or living trust. Meet with your personal financial advisor or attorney to explore planned giving options. Certain kinds of planned gifts can provide donors with sizable income over a period of many years. Others can help donors (or their heirs) avoid or minimize capital gains, estate and other taxes. For example, charitable gift annuities and charitable trusts are planned gifts that provide income for life for the donor and/or another beneficiary with the eventual distribution to the Foundation. They also provide immediate income, estate and gift tax deductions. If you are contemplating a tax-wise planned gift to Willow Center, we would be delighted to answer any questions or help in any way.
The Willow Center for Grieving Children has made a difference in our community for over 20 years. It would have been impossible to have served the thousands of families we have without your generous support. Thank you for supporting grieving children and their families.